Hazard is in same transfer dilemma as ronaldo was at man utd says wes brown

A interesting quote!

Wes Brown, a former Manchester United defender, has compared Chelsea's Eden Hazard to Cristiano Ronaldo, saying that Hazard is in a similar transfer dilemma to the one Ronaldo faced at Manchester United.

For those who may not know, Cristiano Ronaldo was a highly sought-after player at Manchester United, with many clubs interested in signing him. However, he ultimately decided to leave the club in 2009 to join Real Madrid, citing a desire for a new challenge and the opportunity to play with the best players in the world.

Similarly, Eden Hazard has been linked with a move away from Chelsea, with many top clubs interested in signing him. Brown, who played alongside Ronaldo at Manchester United, believes that Hazard is facing a similar decision to the one Ronaldo faced all those years ago.

"I think Hazard is in a similar situation to what Cristiano was in when he was at Manchester United," Brown told BBC Sport. "He's a top player, he's got a lot of talent, and he's got a lot of suitors. He's got to decide what's best for him, whether it's to stay at Chelsea or to move on to a new challenge."

Brown went on to say that while Hazard is an incredible player, he may feel that he needs a new challenge to continue improving and winning trophies. "He's got to think about what's going to make him happy, what's going to make him a better player, and what's going to give him the best chance of winning trophies," Brown said.

It will be interesting to see what Hazard decides to do in the end. Will he stay at Chelsea and continue to win trophies with the Blues, or will he take the plunge and join a new club in search of a new challenge? Only time will tell!