Have chelsea sign new player

Let's simulate a transfer deal for Chelsea FC.

Transfer News:

Chelsea FC has signed a new player!

Player: Eduardo Camavinga (Midfielder)

Age: 19

Nationality: French

Position: Central Midfielder

Transfer Fee: £40 million (from Rennes)

Contract: 5 years (until 2027)

Background: Eduardo Camavinga is a highly-rated young midfielder who has already made a name for himself in Ligue 1 with Rennes. He has been capped at the senior level for France and has also represented the country at the U21 level. Camavinga is known for his exceptional vision, passing range, and energy in midfield.

Why Chelsea signed him: Chelsea has been looking to strengthen their midfield options, and Camavinga's arrival is seen as a major coup for the club. His youth, talent, and potential for growth make him an exciting addition to the squad. He will provide competition for places in midfield and offer a new dimension to the team's attacking play.

What this means for Chelsea:

What this means for the player:

What do you think of this transfer deal?