Haulage senate mandates committee to investigate compliance to road safety laws

Here is a draft press release:


[City, Date] - The Senate Committee on Haulage has been mandated to investigate compliance to road safety laws by haulage operators in the country.

The decision was taken at a meeting of the Senate Committee on Haulage, which was chaired by Senator [Name], the Chairman of the Committee. The meeting was attended by representatives of haulage operators, regulatory agencies, and other stakeholders.

The Committee was mandated to investigate the compliance of haulage operators to road safety laws, including the use of speed limiters, seatbelts, and other safety devices. The Committee was also directed to investigate the causes of accidents involving haulage vehicles and to identify measures to prevent such accidents.

The Chairman of the Committee, Senator [Name], said that the investigation was necessary to ensure that haulage operators comply with road safety laws and regulations. He said that the Committee would work closely with regulatory agencies and other stakeholders to ensure that the investigation is thorough and effective.

"We will leave no stone unturned in our investigation to ensure that haulage operators comply with road safety laws and regulations," Senator [Name] said. "We will also work with regulatory agencies and other stakeholders to identify measures to prevent accidents involving haulage vehicles."

The investigation is expected to be completed within the next six months. The Committee will submit its report to the Senate and make recommendations to the government on measures to improve road safety in the country.

Contact: [Name] Senate Committee on Haulage [Email] [Phone]