Hasenhuttl targets saints lift after aggressive training

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Ralph Hasenhüttl, the Austrian manager of Southampton FC, has been known for his intense and demanding training methods. In a recent interview, he revealed that he has been pushing his players hard in training to help the team lift themselves out of their current slump.

Hasenhüttl, who took over as Saints manager in December 2018, has been praised for his ability to get the best out of his players and improve their fitness levels. His aggressive training methods, which include high-intensity drills and physical conditioning exercises, are designed to test the players' endurance and mental toughness.

In an interview with the Daily Echo, Hasenhüttl said: "We have to be more aggressive in our training. We have to be more physical, more intense. We have to be more dominant in our games."

Hasenhüttl's training methods have already shown positive results, with the team's fitness levels and overall performance improving significantly since he took over. The manager's aggressive approach has also helped to build a strong team spirit and camaraderie among the players.

However, it's worth noting that Hasenhüttl's training methods are not without controversy. Some critics have questioned the intensity and physicality of his training sessions, which have led to concerns about player injuries and burnout.

Despite these concerns, Hasenhüttl remains committed to his training methods, believing that they are essential for the team's success. As he said in the interview: "I think it's important to be honest with the players. I think it's important to be clear with them. We have to work hard, we have to be professional, and we have to be ready to fight for every ball."

Overall, Hasenhüttl's aggressive training methods are designed to push his players to their limits and help the team achieve their goals. While there may be some controversy surrounding his approach, it's clear that he is committed to getting the best out of his players and helping the team succeed.