Has uk gone on brexit news

The UK's departure from the European Union, commonly referred to as Brexit, has been a significant news story in recent years. Here's a brief update on the current state of Brexit:

Withdrawal Agreement: The UK and EU signed a Withdrawal Agreement in January 2020, which outlined the terms of the UK's departure from the EU. The agreement included a transition period, which ended on December 31, 2020.

Transition Period: During the transition period, the UK and EU negotiated new trade agreements and other arrangements. The UK and EU agreed on a trade deal, known as the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA), which came into effect on January 1, 2021.

Trade Deal: The TCA sets out the terms of the UK's trade relationship with the EU, including tariffs, quotas, and other trade rules. The deal aims to minimize disruptions to trade and maintain close economic ties between the UK and EU.

Northern Ireland Protocol: The TCA includes a protocol on Northern Ireland, which aims to maintain an open border on the island of Ireland while also respecting the UK's decision to leave the EU's single market and customs union. The protocol has been the subject of controversy, with some arguing that it creates a border in the Irish Sea and undermines the Good Friday Agreement.

Future Relationship: The UK and EU are currently negotiating a new partnership agreement, which will cover areas such as security, foreign policy, and cooperation on issues like climate change and health. The negotiations are ongoing, and it's unclear when a deal will be reached.

Internal UK Politics: Brexit has also had significant implications for internal UK politics. The Conservative Party, led by Boris Johnson, won a majority in the 2019 general election on a platform of delivering Brexit. However, the party has since been divided on issues related to Brexit, and there have been calls for a second referendum or a more nuanced approach to the UK's relationship with the EU.

Recent Developments: In recent weeks, there have been reports of tensions between the UK and EU over issues such as fishing rights, border controls, and the Northern Ireland Protocol. The UK has also been criticized for its handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has been linked to Brexit-related supply chain disruptions.

Overall, Brexit remains a complex and contentious issue, with significant implications for the UK's economy, politics, and relationships with the EU and other countries.