Hard news vs feature news

In journalism, there are two main types of news stories: hard news and feature news. Here's a breakdown of each:

Hard News

Hard news, also known as straight news or wire service news, is a factual report that provides timely and objective information about a current event or issue. The primary goal of hard news is to inform readers about what has happened, who is involved, and what the implications are. Hard news stories typically:

  1. Are timely and relevant to current events.
  2. Focus on facts and objective reporting.
  3. Are written in a straightforward, concise style.
  4. May include quotes from sources, but are not primarily opinion-based.
  5. Are often used to inform readers about breaking news, crises, or significant events.

Examples of hard news stories:

Feature News

Feature news, also known as human-interest news or narrative journalism, is a more in-depth and interpretive report that explores a topic or issue in greater detail. Feature news stories often:

  1. Focus on a specific theme, issue, or community.
  2. Use storytelling techniques to engage readers and convey the human impact of an issue.
  3. May include personal anecdotes, profiles, or interviews.
  4. Are often written in a more descriptive and narrative style.
  5. May include analysis, commentary, or opinion.

Examples of feature news stories:

Key differences

While both hard news and feature news are important, the main differences between them are:

In summary, hard news provides timely and objective information about current events, while feature news explores topics and issues in greater depth, using storytelling techniques to engage readers.