Hard news story ideas

Here are some hard news story ideas across various topics:


  1. "The Impact of Gerrymandering on Local Elections": Investigate how gerrymandering has affected the outcome of local elections in a specific region or state.
  2. "The Rise of Far-Right Extremism in [City/State]": Examine the growing presence of far-right extremist groups in a specific area and their potential connections to local politics.
  3. "The Effectiveness of Voter ID Laws": Analyze the impact of voter ID laws on voter turnout and election integrity in different states.


  1. "The Opioid Epidemic's Economic Toll": Investigate the financial costs of the opioid crisis on local communities, including healthcare expenses, lost productivity, and economic development.
  2. "The Impact of Trade Wars on [Industry/Region]": Examine the effects of trade wars on a specific industry or region, including job losses, supply chain disruptions, and economic instability.
  3. "The Growing Wealth Gap in [City/State]": Investigate the increasing wealth gap in a specific area, including the causes, consequences, and potential solutions.


  1. "The Opioid Crisis in [City/State]: A Deep Dive": Investigate the root causes of the opioid crisis in a specific area, including the role of pharmaceutical companies, healthcare providers, and law enforcement.
  2. "The Mental Health Crisis in [School/Community]": Examine the growing mental health crisis among students or community members, including the causes, consequences, and potential solutions.
  3. "The Effectiveness of [Healthcare Policy/Program]": Analyze the impact of a specific healthcare policy or program on patient outcomes, healthcare costs, and healthcare access.


  1. "The Devastating Impact of Climate Change on [City/Region]": Investigate the effects of climate change on a specific area, including rising sea levels, extreme weather events, and environmental degradation.
  2. "The Environmental Justice Movement in [City/State]": Examine the growing environmental justice movement in a specific area, including the struggles of low-income and minority communities affected by environmental pollution.
  3. "The Effectiveness of [Environmental Policy/Program]": Analyze the impact of a specific environmental policy or program on environmental outcomes, public health, and economic development.

Crime and Justice

  1. "The Rise of Mass Incarceration in [City/State]": Investigate the growing problem of mass incarceration in a specific area, including the causes, consequences, and potential solutions.
  2. "The Effectiveness of [Law Enforcement Policy/Program]": Analyze the impact of a specific law enforcement policy or program on crime rates, community trust, and police accountability.
  3. "The Impact of [Criminal Justice Reform] on [City/State]": Examine the effects of criminal justice reform efforts on crime rates, recidivism rates, and community safety.


  1. "The Achievement Gap in [City/State]": Investigate the growing achievement gap in a specific area, including the causes, consequences, and potential solutions.
  2. "The Impact of [Education Policy/Program] on Student Outcomes": Analyze the effects of a specific education policy or program on student achievement, graduation rates, and college readiness.
  3. "The Effectiveness of [School Reform] in [City/State]": Examine the impact of school reform efforts on student outcomes, teacher morale, and community engagement.

These are just a few examples of hard news story ideas. Remember to choose topics that are relevant, timely, and of interest to your audience.