Hard news stories 2016

Here are some of the most significant hard news stories from 2016:

  1. Brexit: The United Kingdom held a referendum in June 2016 in which a majority of voters chose to leave the European Union (EU), a decision that sent shockwaves around the world and had significant economic and political implications.
  2. US Presidential Election: The 2016 US presidential election was marked by controversy and surprise, with Donald Trump defeating Hillary Clinton in the Electoral College despite losing the popular vote. The election was marred by allegations of Russian interference and hacking.
  3. Syrian Civil War: The conflict in Syria continued to rage, with the Syrian government, led by Bashar al-Assad, facing opposition from various rebel groups and extremist organizations such as ISIS. The war has resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people and the displacement of millions.
  4. Zika Virus Outbreak: A rapid spread of the Zika virus in Latin America and the Caribbean led to widespread concern and outbreaks of birth defects and other health problems.
  5. Olympic Park Bombing: A suicide bombing at the Reina nightclub in Istanbul, Turkey, killed 39 people and injured many more, just days before the start of the Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro.
  6. Orlando Nightclub Shooting: A gunman opened fire at Pulse, a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, killing 49 people and injuring 53 others in the deadliest mass shooting in modern US history.
  7. Nice Truck Attack: A truck driven by a Tunisian man plowed into a crowd of people celebrating Bastille Day in Nice, France, killing 86 people and injuring hundreds more.
  8. Dakota Access Pipeline Protests: Protests against the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline in North Dakota, which would have carried oil from the Bakken region to the Gulf Coast, drew international attention and sparked concerns about environmental and Native American rights.
  9. Turkey Coup Attempt: A military coup attempt in Turkey failed, but not before it resulted in the deaths of at least 240 people and the arrest of thousands of others.
  10. North Korea Nuclear Tests: North Korea conducted multiple nuclear tests in 2016, including a test of a hydrogen bomb, which drew international condemnation and raised concerns about the country's nuclear capabilities.
  11. EgyptAir Flight 804 Crash: An EgyptAir flight from Paris to Cairo crashed into the Mediterranean Sea, killing all 66 people on board. The cause of the crash remains unknown.
  12. Libya Migrant Crisis: The conflict in Libya led to a surge in migrant traffic to Europe, with thousands of people attempting to cross the Mediterranean Sea in rickety boats and facing danger and exploitation along the way.
  13. Pakistan Taliban Attack: A Taliban attack on a military academy in Peshawar, Pakistan, killed 29 people and injured many more.
  14. Brazil Political Crisis: A corruption scandal involving the country's president, Dilma Rousseff, led to her impeachment and removal from office.
  15. South Sudan Civil War: The conflict in South Sudan, which began in 2013, continued to rage, with the government and rebel groups fighting for control of the country and resulting in widespread human rights abuses and displacement.

These are just a few of the many significant hard news stories from 2016.