Hard news example 2018

Here's an example of a hard news article from 2018:

Headline: "Trump Administration Ends Temporary Protected Status for Hundreds of Thousands of Immigrants"

Date: November 6, 2018

Location: Washington, D.C.

Summary: The Trump administration announced on Monday that it would end Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for hundreds of thousands of immigrants from El Salvador, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Sudan, effective in 18 months. The decision affects approximately 300,000 individuals who have been living in the United States under the program, which was established to provide temporary refuge to people fleeing natural disasters, war, or other crises.

Details: The announcement was made by the Department of Homeland Security, which cited the improvement of conditions in the countries of origin as the reason for the decision. However, critics argue that the move will lead to widespread deportation and separation of families, as many of the affected individuals have built lives and businesses in the United States and have U.S.-born children.


Context: The decision to end TPS is the latest in a series of moves by the Trump administration to restrict immigration and limit the rights of undocumented immigrants. The move has been widely criticized by Democrats and immigration advocates, who argue that it is a cruel and inhumane policy that will cause harm to families and communities.

Tone: The tone of the article is objective and factual, providing a clear summary of the decision and its implications. The quotes from critics and advocates add a human element to the story, highlighting the emotional impact of the decision on the affected individuals and communities.