Hard news example

Here's an example of a hard news article:

HEADLINE: "New Study Reveals Alarming Rise in Global Hunger Crisis"

SUBHEADLINE: "Report finds 820 million people worldwide struggling to access enough food, with numbers expected to worsen due to climate change and conflict"


A new report released today by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has sounded the alarm on a growing global hunger crisis. According to the study, 820 million people worldwide are struggling to access enough food, a staggering increase of 60 million from last year.

The report attributes the rise in hunger to a combination of factors, including climate change, conflict, and economic instability. "The situation is dire," said FAO Director-General Qu Dongyu. "We are seeing a perfect storm of factors coming together to push more people into hunger and poverty."

The report highlights several regions that are particularly hard hit, including the Horn of Africa, where drought and conflict have led to widespread food insecurity. In Yemen, the ongoing conflict has left millions of people without access to basic necessities like food and clean water.

The study also warns that the situation is likely to worsen in the coming years, with climate change expected to further disrupt global food systems. "We need to act now to address the root causes of hunger and poverty," said Qu. "This requires a coordinated effort from governments, international organizations, and civil society to ensure that everyone has access to the food they need to thrive."




This article is an example of a hard news article because it: