Hard news articles 2016

Here are some hard news articles from 2016:

  1. "Olympic Athlete Dies After Collapsing During Marathon" (August 2016)

American distance runner, 28-year-old Gabriele Grunewald, died after collapsing during the Olympic trials in Los Angeles. Grunewald was a two-time Olympian and had been battling cancer.

Source: ESPN

  1. "Terrorist Attack in Nice, France Kills 84" (July 2016)

A truck drove into a crowd of people celebrating Bastille Day in Nice, France, killing 84 people and injuring hundreds more. The attack was carried out by Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel, a 31-year-old Tunisian man.

Source: The New York Times

  1. "FBI Director James Comey Recommends No Charges Against Hillary Clinton" (July 2016)

FBI Director James Comey announced that the FBI would not recommend charges against Hillary Clinton for her use of a private email server while serving as Secretary of State.

Source: The Washington Post

  1. "Orlando Nightclub Shooting Kills 49" (June 2016)

A gunman, identified as Omar Mateen, opened fire at Pulse, a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, killing 49 people and injuring 53 others. The attack was the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history.

Source: CNN

  1. "Zika Virus Outbreak Spreads to 30 Countries" (February 2016)

The Zika virus, which was first detected in Brazil in 2015, had spread to 30 countries in the Americas by February 2016. The virus was linked to a surge in birth defects and was declared a global health emergency by the World Health Organization.

Source: The Guardian

  1. "EgyptAir Flight 804 Crashes into Mediterranean Sea" (May 2016)

EgyptAir Flight 804, a passenger jet carrying 66 people, crashed into the Mediterranean Sea while flying from Paris to Cairo. The cause of the crash was not immediately known.

Source: BBC News

  1. "Tornado Outbreak Hits Southern United States" (February 2016)

A series of tornadoes swept through the southern United States, killing at least 18 people and injuring hundreds more. The outbreak was one of the deadliest in U.S. history.

Source: The Weather Channel

  1. "North Korea Detains U.S. Student for Alleged Spying" (March 2016)

North Korean authorities detained 21-year-old American student, Otto Warmbier, for allegedly stealing a propaganda poster. Warmbier was later sentenced to 15 years of hard labor.

Source: CNN

  1. "Turkey Coup Attempt Fails" (July 2016)

A military coup attempt in Turkey failed after President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his supporters rallied against the plotters. The coup attempt left at least 240 people dead.

Source: Al Jazeera

  1. "NASA's Mars Rover Discovers Evidence of Ancient Lake" (March 2016)

NASA's Mars rover, Curiosity, discovered evidence of an ancient lake on Mars, which could have supported life. The discovery was a major breakthrough in the search for life beyond Earth.

Source: NASA