Hard news and soft news pdf

Here is a PDF on the difference between hard news and soft news:

Hard News vs Soft News: Understanding the Difference

What is Hard News?

Hard news refers to factual, objective, and timely reports on significant events, issues, or developments that have a direct impact on society, politics, or the economy. Hard news stories typically:

Examples of hard news stories:

What is Soft News?

Soft news, on the other hand, refers to more lighthearted, human-interest stories that are often entertaining, informative, or thought-provoking. Soft news stories typically:

Examples of soft news stories:

Key Differences


Understanding the difference between hard news and soft news is essential for journalists, editors, and readers alike. By recognizing the distinct characteristics of each type of news, we can better appreciate the importance of both hard-hitting, fact-based reporting and more lighthearted, human-interest stories in our media landscape.
