Happy new year ka video

Here are a few ideas for a Happy New Year video:

Option 1: Countdown to Midnight

Option 2: New Year's Resolution Montage

Option 3: Happy New Year Message

Option 4: New Year's Eve Party

Here's an example script for a Happy New Year video:

[0:00] (Countdown timer on screen, counting down from 10 minutes to midnight)

[0:05] (Festive music starts playing) [Confetti and balloons fall from the ceiling]

[0:10] (Midnight strikes, and the clock strikes 12) [Message on screen: "Happy New Year!"]

[0:15] (Fireworks or sparklers explode on screen) [Message on screen: "Make this year count!"]

[0:20] (Closing shot of the clock striking midnight) [Message on screen: "Wishing you a happy and healthy new year!"]

I hope these ideas help you create a fun and festive Happy New Year video!