Happy new year in french
Here are a few ways to say "Happy New Year" in French:
- "Bonne Année" (pronounced "bown ah-nee-eh") - This is a common way to wish someone a happy new year.
- "Joyeux Nouvel An" (pronounced "joo-yuh noo-vell ahn") - This is a more formal way to say "Happy New Year".
- "Bonnes Fêtes" (pronounced "bown fay-tay") - This means "Good Holidays" and is often used to wish someone a happy new year during the holiday season.
- "À l'an prochain" (pronounced "ah lah prah-shahhn") - This means "Until next year" and is often used to bid farewell to the old year and welcome the new one.
You can also use the following phrases to express your good wishes:
- "Je vous souhaite une bonne année" (pronounced "zhuh voo swah-pee-eh ewn bown ah-nee-eh") - This means "I wish you a happy new year".
- "Je vous souhaite une année remplie de joie et de bonheur" (pronounced "zhuh voo swah-pee-eh ewn ah-nee-eh reh-mplee de joo-ee eh de bown-hoo-ruh") - This means "I wish you a year filled with joy and happiness".
I hope that helps!