Happy new year funny

Happy New Year! Here are some funny New Year's jokes and memes to ring in the new year:

  1. Why did the clock go to therapy on New Year's Eve? Because it was feeling a little "wound up"!
  2. What did the grape say when it got stepped on at the New Year's Eve party? Nothing, it just let out a little wine!
  3. Why did the partygoer bring a ladder to the New Year's Eve party? Because they wanted to take their celebration to new heights!
  4. What's the best way to get a New Year's resolution to stick? Write it on a mirror with a dry-erase marker and then forget where you put the marker!
  5. Why did the New Year's Eve partygoer bring a magnet to the party? Because they wanted to attract some attention!
  6. What did the New Year's Eve partygoer say when someone asked them what their resolution was? "I'm going to resolve to not make any more resolutions!"
  7. Why did the New Year's Eve partygoer bring a pillow to the party? Because they wanted to have a soft landing when the clock struck midnight!
  8. What's the best way to get a New Year's Eve party started? With a countdown... and a few dozen party hats!
  9. Why did the New Year's Eve partygoer bring a camera to the party? Because they wanted to capture the moment... and also because they wanted to take a selfie with the clock striking midnight!
  10. What did the New Year's Eve partygoer say when someone asked them what their favorite part of the party was? "The countdown... and also the free food and drinks!"

And here are some funny New Year's memes:

[Image of a cat with a party hat and a champagne bottle]

Caption: "I'm not hungover, I'm just celebrating the start of a new year... and also the fact that I didn't have to go to work today"

[Image of a person with a party hat and a clock striking midnight]

Caption: "I'm not late, I'm just fashionably late... and also I lost track of time"

[Image of a person with a party hat and a plate of food]

Caption: "I'm not eating all this food, I'm just celebrating the start of a new year... and also I'm a foodie"

[Image of a person with a party hat and a champagne bottle]

Caption: "I'm not drinking all this champagne, I'm just celebrating the start of a new year... and also I'm a champagne connoisseur"

I hope these jokes and memes bring a smile to your face and help you ring in the new year with laughter and joy!