Happy new month december prayers

Here are some December prayers to help you start the month with a positive and grateful heart:

Prayer for Gratitude

Dear God, as we enter the month of December, I want to take a moment to reflect on the blessings in my life. Thank you for the abundance of love, joy, and provision that you have given me. Help me to cultivate a heart of gratitude and to focus on the good things in my life, rather than the challenges. May I be a blessing to others and spread joy and kindness wherever I go. Amen.

Prayer for Peace and Calm

Dear God, as the holiday season approaches, I know that it can be a busy and stressful time. Help me to find peace and calm in the midst of chaos. May your presence be my guiding light, and may I be filled with your peace and joy. Protect me from anxiety and worry, and give me the strength to handle whatever challenges come my way. Amen.

Prayer for Guidance

Dear God, as I look to the future, I ask for your guidance and direction. Help me to make wise decisions and to stay focused on my goals. May your wisdom and discernment be my compass, and may I trust in your goodness and sovereignty. Give me the courage to take risks and to step out in faith, knowing that you are always with me. Amen.

Prayer for Love and Kindness

Dear God, as we celebrate the season of love and giving, I ask that you fill my heart with love and kindness. Help me to be a blessing to others, and to show your love and compassion to those around me. May I be a reflection of your love and light, and may I spread joy and happiness wherever I go. Amen.

Prayer for Protection

Dear God, as we enter the month of December, I ask that you protect me from harm and danger. Keep me safe from harm, and shield me from the evil that seeks to destroy me. May your angels watch over me, and may your presence be my refuge and strength. Amen.

Prayer for Blessings

Dear God, I come to you today with a heart full of gratitude and a spirit of expectation. I ask that you bless me in every way, and that you pour out your blessings upon me. May your favor be upon me, and may I be a blessing to others. May your peace, joy, and love be my portion, and may I be a reflection of your goodness and glory. Amen.

I hope these prayers bring you comfort, peace, and joy as you enter the month of December. Remember to always pray with faith and trust in God's goodness and sovereignty.