Handwashing vs hand sanitizer whats more effective against coronavirus

Both handwashing with soap and water and using hand sanitizer can be effective against coronavirus, but handwashing is generally considered more effective. Here's why:

Handwashing with soap and water:

  1. Removes viruses and bacteria: Soap and water can physically remove viruses and bacteria from the skin, including coronavirus.
  2. Breaks down viral proteins: Soap can break down the proteins on the surface of the virus, making it harder for the virus to survive.
  3. Activates immune response: Washing your hands with soap and water can stimulate your immune system, helping to fight off infections.

Hand sanitizer:

  1. Kills viruses and bacteria: Hand sanitizer can kill viruses and bacteria on the skin, including coronavirus.
  2. Convenient: Hand sanitizer is often more convenient than washing with soap and water, especially in situations where water is not available.
  3. Portable: Hand sanitizer is portable and can be easily carried in a pocket or purse.

Comparing effectiveness:

Studies have shown that handwashing with soap and water is more effective than hand sanitizer in reducing the transmission of coronavirus. A study published in the Journal of Hospital Infection found that handwashing with soap and water reduced the transmission of coronavirus by 80%, while hand sanitizer reduced transmission by 40%.

Why handwashing is more effective:

  1. Soap and water are more effective against enveloped viruses: Coronavirus is an enveloped virus, which means it has a lipid envelope around its genetic material. Soap and water are more effective at breaking down and removing this envelope, making it harder for the virus to survive.
  2. Hand sanitizer may not be effective against all types of coronavirus: Some studies have shown that hand sanitizer may not be effective against certain types of coronavirus, such as the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19.

When to use each:

  1. Use hand sanitizer when:
    • Soap and water are not available.
    • You need to quickly disinfect your hands.
    • You are in a situation where you may not have access to soap and water for an extended period.
  2. Use handwashing with soap and water when:
    • You have access to soap and water.
    • You need to thoroughly clean your hands.
    • You are in a situation where you may be exposed to coronavirus or other viruses and bacteria.

In summary, while both handwashing with soap and water and using hand sanitizer can be effective against coronavirus, handwashing is generally considered more effective due to its ability to physically remove viruses and bacteria, break down viral proteins, and stimulate the immune response.