Hacking news uk

Here are some recent hacking news stories from the UK:

  1. UK's National Health Service (NHS) hit by ransomware attack: In May 2021, the NHS was targeted by a ransomware attack, which affected over 80 trusts and resulted in the cancellation of thousands of appointments and operations. The attack was attributed to the Ryuk malware.
  2. UK government's COVID-19 contact tracing app hacked: In October 2020, it was reported that the UK government's COVID-19 contact tracing app, NHS COVID-19, had been hacked. The app was designed to track the spread of the virus and alert users if they had been in close proximity to someone who had tested positive.
  3. British Airways data breach: In June 2018, British Airways announced that it had been hit by a data breach, which affected the personal and financial information of around 500,000 customers. The breach was attributed to a sophisticated cyber attack.
  4. UK's Ministry of Defence (MoD) hacked: In November 2020, it was reported that the UK's MoD had been hacked, with sensitive information stolen from its systems. The breach was attributed to a group of hackers known as "Lazarus".
  5. UK's National Crime Agency (NCA) hacked: In October 2020, it was reported that the UK's NCA had been hacked, with sensitive information stolen from its systems. The breach was attributed to a group of hackers known as "DarkSide".
  6. UK's Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) hacked: In September 2020, it was reported that the UK's DWP had been hacked, with sensitive information stolen from its systems. The breach was attributed to a group of hackers known as "Lazarus".
  7. UK's National Health Service (NHS) hit by phishing attack: In August 2020, it was reported that the NHS had been hit by a phishing attack, which affected over 2,000 staff members. The attack was attributed to a group of hackers known as "PhineasFisher".
  8. UK's Ministry of Justice (MoJ) hacked: In July 2020, it was reported that the UK's MoJ had been hacked, with sensitive information stolen from its systems. The breach was attributed to a group of hackers known as "Lazarus".
  9. UK's Department for Education (DfE) hacked: In June 2020, it was reported that the UK's DfE had been hacked, with sensitive information stolen from its systems. The breach was attributed to a group of hackers known as "Lazarus".
  10. UK's National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) warns of increased hacking activity: In May 2020, the NCSC warned of an increase in hacking activity, with hackers targeting UK businesses and individuals. The centre urged people to be vigilant and take steps to protect themselves against cyber attacks.

These are just a few examples of the many hacking news stories that have been reported in the UK in recent years.