Hacker news site

You're looking for a list of popular hacker news sites! Here are some of the most well-known ones:

  1. Hacker News (news.ycombinator.com): A social news and discussion website founded by Paul Graham, featuring a community-driven approach to sharing and discussing technology-related news and stories.
  2. Reddit's netdev (reddit.com/r/netdev): A subreddit dedicated to discussing network development, protocols, and related topics.
  3. Reddit's programming (reddit.com/r/programming): A subreddit for programmers and developers to share and discuss programming-related news, projects, and resources.
  4. Stack Overflow (stackoverflow.com): A Q&A platform for programmers and developers, featuring a vast collection of questions and answers on various programming topics.
  5. The Hacker's Jargon File (catb.org/~esr/jargon/html/index.html): A comprehensive online dictionary of computer-related slang, jargon, and terminology.
  6. Slashdot (slashdot.org): A technology news website featuring articles, discussions, and user-submitted content on various topics, including programming, security, and technology.
  7. LWN.net (lwn.net): A Linux-focused news website, providing in-depth coverage of Linux and open-source software developments, as well as general technology news.
  8. The Register (theregister.co.uk): A UK-based technology news website, covering a wide range of topics, including programming, security, and technology trends.
  9. Ars Technica (arstechnica.com): A technology news website, featuring in-depth articles and analysis on various topics, including programming, security, and technology policy.
  10. InfoQ (infoq.com): A news website focused on software development, featuring articles, interviews, and conference coverage on topics like programming, architecture, and technology trends.

These are just a few examples of the many hacker news sites out there. Each one has its own unique focus, tone, and community, so you may find that you prefer one over the others.