Hacker news simulator

A Hacker News simulator! Let's create a simple text-based simulation of the popular Hacker News (HN) website.

HN Simulator

You are a user of Hacker News, a platform for sharing and discussing technology-related news and ideas. You have just logged in and are presented with a list of top stories.

Top Stories:

  1. "New AI Model Achieves Human-Level Language Understanding" (34 comments)
  2. "The Future of Web Development: A Look at the Latest Trends" (23 comments)
  3. "Open-Source Alternative to Popular Productivity Tool Released" (17 comments)

What would you like to do?

A) Read the top story and comment on it B) Read the second story and comment on it C) Read the third story and comment on it D) Search for a specific topic or keyword E) Post a new story F) View your profile and settings

Please respond with the letter of your chosen action.