Hacker news search

Hacker News is a popular platform for discussing and sharing news and ideas related to technology, entrepreneurship, and innovation. Here are some ways to search for topics on Hacker News:

Official Search Bar

  1. Go to news.ycombinator.com and type your search query in the search bar at the top of the page.
  2. Press Enter or click the magnifying glass icon to execute the search.

Advanced Search Options

  1. Use the "Advanced Search" link at the bottom of the search results page to refine your search.
  2. Choose from various filters such as:
    • Date: Search by date range (e.g., last 24 hours, last week, etc.)
    • Score: Search by score (e.g., top 10, top 50, etc.)
    • User: Search by user (e.g., search for posts by a specific user)
    • Domain: Search by domain (e.g., search for posts related to a specific website)
    • Keywords: Search for specific keywords or phrases

Search Operators

  1. Use search operators to refine your search:
    • site: - Search within a specific website (e.g., site:github.com)
    • author: - Search for posts by a specific author (e.g., author:guido)
    • title: - Search for posts with a specific title (e.g., title: machine learning)
    • url: - Search for posts with a specific URL (e.g., url:https://www.example.com)
    • lang: - Search for posts in a specific language (e.g., lang:en for English)

Third-Party Search Tools

  1. There are several third-party tools and services that provide additional search functionality for Hacker News, such as:
    • Hacker News Search (hnsearch.com)
    • HN Search (hnsearch.io)
    • Hacker News Explorer (hnexplorer.com)

These tools often provide features such as:

* Advanced filtering options
* Customizable search queries
* Real-time search results
* Integration with other services (e.g., Twitter, Reddit)

Remember to always use caution when searching for sensitive or confidential information on Hacker News or any other platform.