Hacker news prank

The infamous Hacker News prank! For those who may not know, Hacker News is a popular tech news and discussion website founded by Paul Graham, a well-known entrepreneur and investor. The site is known for its high-quality content, insightful discussions, and, occasionally, clever pranks.

Here are some notable Hacker News pranks:

  1. The "I'm a bot" prank: In 2013, a user created an account and posted a series of seemingly innocuous comments, each starting with "I'm a bot." The comments were designed to look like they were written by a human, but with subtle inconsistencies that would reveal the bot's true nature. The prank was so convincing that many users believed the bot was real, and the thread became one of the most popular on the site.
  2. The "Fake startup" prank: In 2015, a user created a fake startup, complete with a convincing website, social media presence, and even a fake team. The startup, called "Flibberjibit," claimed to be working on a revolutionary new technology. The prank was so convincing that many users believed Flibberjibit was a real company, and the thread attracted a lot of attention and discussion.
  3. The "Fake news" prank: In 2018, a user created a fake news article about a major tech company, complete with a convincing headline and details. The article was designed to look like it was from a reputable news source, and many users believed it was real. The prank was eventually discovered, but not before it had attracted a lot of attention and discussion.
  4. The "Fake user" prank: In 2020, a user created a fake account and posted a series of comments that seemed to come from a new user. The comments were designed to look like they were from a real person, but with subtle inconsistencies that would reveal the fake user's true nature. The prank was so convincing that many users believed the fake user was real, and the thread became one of the most popular on the site.

These pranks are a testament to the creativity and humor of the Hacker News community. While they may be annoying to some, they also add a touch of whimsy and fun to the site.