Hacker news graphics programming

A great combination! Here are some interesting articles and projects related to graphics programming and Hacker News:


  1. "The Evolution of Graphics Programming" by John Carmack (2013) - A classic article by the legendary game developer, discussing the history and future of graphics programming.
  2. "The State of Graphics Programming in 2020" by Eric Werness (2020) - A comprehensive overview of the current state of graphics programming, covering topics like GPU architecture, rendering, and game development.
  3. "Graphics Programming in Rust" by Brian Anderson (2019) - An introduction to graphics programming in Rust, covering topics like OpenGL, Vulkan, and DirectX.


  1. "LWJGL" (Lightweight Java Game Library) - A popular open-source library for creating games and graphics applications in Java.
  2. "SDL" (Simple DirectMedia Layer) - A cross-platform development library for creating games and graphics applications.
  3. "Dear ImGui" - A popular open-source immediate mode GUI library for creating graphical user interfaces.

Hacker News Discussions:

  1. "What are some good resources for learning graphics programming?" (2019) - A discussion on resources for learning graphics programming, including books, tutorials, and online courses.
  2. "How do you approach graphics programming?" (2018) - A discussion on approaches to graphics programming, including topics like rendering, lighting, and optimization.
  3. "What are some good graphics programming libraries for C++?" (2017) - A discussion on graphics programming libraries for C++, including topics like OpenGL, DirectX, and Vulkan.


  1. "3D Math Primer for Graphics and Game Programming" by Fletcher Dunn and Ian Parberry - A comprehensive introduction to 3D math and graphics programming.
  2. "Real-Time Rendering" by Tomas Akenhead - A classic book on real-time rendering, covering topics like rendering, lighting, and animation.
  3. "Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice" by James D. Foley, Andries van Dam, Steven Feiner, and John F. Hughes - A comprehensive textbook on computer graphics, covering topics like graphics programming, rendering, and animation.

These resources should provide a good starting point for exploring graphics programming and related topics on Hacker News. Happy learning!