Hacker news aggregator

Here are some popular Hacker News aggregators:

  1. HN Search: A simple and fast search engine for Hacker News. It allows you to search for stories, comments, and users.
  2. Hacker News Archive: A comprehensive archive of Hacker News stories, comments, and users. It also provides a search function and allows you to filter by date, score, and more.
  3. HN Top: A simple aggregator that displays the top stories on Hacker News, along with their scores and comments.
  4. Hacker News Digest: A daily newsletter that summarizes the top stories on Hacker News, along with a brief summary and links to the original articles.
  5. HN Reader: A web-based aggregator that allows you to customize your feed by filtering by topic, score, and more. It also provides a clean and minimalistic interface.
  6. Hacker News Bot: A Telegram bot that allows you to receive Hacker News updates in a chat format. You can customize the bot to receive updates on specific topics or keywords.
  7. HN Notify: A Chrome extension that notifies you when new stories are posted on Hacker News that match your interests. You can customize the extension to filter by topic, score, and more.
  8. Hacker News RSS: A simple RSS feed aggregator that allows you to subscribe to Hacker News stories and comments. You can use an RSS reader like Feedly or NewsBlur to access the feed.
  9. HN Explorer: A web-based aggregator that allows you to explore Hacker News stories and comments in a interactive way. It provides a map view of the comments, allowing you to navigate and discover new stories.
  10. Hacker News API: A RESTful API that provides access to Hacker News data, including stories, comments, and users. You can use this API to build your own custom aggregator or application.

These are just a few examples of Hacker News aggregators. You can also use other tools like IFTTT (If This Then That) or Zapier to automate your Hacker News experience and receive updates in your preferred format.