Haalands family roots stop him believing the wonderkid hype flo

I think I understand what you're getting at!

You're saying that Haaland's humble family roots and upbringing might be a factor in him not getting caught up in the hype surrounding his incredible talent and potential, and instead staying grounded and focused on his football.

Haaland's family has spoken about how they've always kept things simple and down-to-earth, even as his son's football career took off. His parents, Alf-Inge and Gry Marita, have been instrumental in keeping him grounded and focused on his goals.

Haaland himself has spoken about how his family's influence has helped him stay humble and avoid getting too caught up in the hype surrounding his talent. He's said that his parents have always emphasized the importance of hard work and dedication, and that they've helped him stay focused on his goals.

So, in short, Haaland's family roots and upbringing have likely played a significant role in helping him stay grounded and avoid getting too caught up in the hype surrounding his incredible talent.