H\u7709rriyet daily news

You're referring to the Turkish newspaper "Hürriyet Daily News"!

Hürriyet Daily News is a Turkish-language newspaper that was founded in 1948. It is one of the most widely read and respected newspapers in Turkey, known for its in-depth coverage of national and international news, politics, economy, and culture.

The newspaper is published in Istanbul and has a strong online presence, with a website that offers news, analysis, and opinion pieces in Turkish and English. Hürriyet Daily News is also available in print and digital formats, making it accessible to readers around the world.

The newspaper is known for its investigative reporting, feature stories, and commentary pieces, which often spark lively debates and discussions in Turkey and beyond. Its editorial stance is generally considered to be liberal and pro-European Union, reflecting the newspaper's commitment to promoting democracy, human rights, and the rule of law in Turkey.

Overall, Hürriyet Daily News is an important source of news and information about Turkey and the region, and is widely respected for its journalistic integrity and commitment to free speech.