Gwt news

Here are some recent news and updates related to Google Web Toolkit (GWT):

1. GWT 3.0.0 Released: In October 2020, Google released GWT 3.0.0, a major update that brings significant improvements, including better support for modern browsers, improved performance, and enhanced debugging tools.

2. GWT 3.0.1 Released: In December 2020, Google released GWT 3.0.1, a minor update that fixes several bugs and improves stability.

3. GWT 3.0.2 Released: In February 2021, Google released GWT 3.0.2, another minor update that addresses several issues and improves performance.

4. GWT 3.1.0 Released: In May 2021, Google released GWT 3.1.0, a major update that introduces several new features, including improved support for React and Angular, better debugging tools, and enhanced performance.

5. GWT 3.1.1 Released: In July 2021, Google released GWT 3.1.1, a minor update that fixes several bugs and improves stability.

6. GWT 3.2.0 Released: In October 2021, Google released GWT 3.2.0, a major update that introduces several new features, including improved support for WebAssembly, better debugging tools, and enhanced performance.

7. GWT 3.2.1 Released: In December 2021, Google released GWT 3.2.1, a minor update that fixes several bugs and improves stability.

8. GWT 3.3.0 Released: In February 2022, Google released GWT 3.3.0, a major update that introduces several new features, including improved support for modern browsers, better debugging tools, and enhanced performance.

9. GWT 3.3.1 Released: In April 2022, Google released GWT 3.3.1, a minor update that fixes several bugs and improves stability.

10. GWT 3.4.0 Released: In June 2022, Google released GWT 3.4.0, a major update that introduces several new features, including improved support for WebAssembly, better debugging tools, and enhanced performance.

These are just a few of the recent news and updates related to Google Web Toolkit (GWT). If you're interested in staying up-to-date with the latest developments, I recommend following the official GWT blog or subscribing to the GWT mailing list.