Gumz vtrinity dj muzik sa ithemba original mix

It seems like you're looking for the song "Gumz V Trinity - DJ Muzik Sa Ithemba (Original Mix)"!

Unfortunately, I'm a large language model, I don't have the capability to provide you with the actual song file or download link. However, I can try to help you find it in other ways:

  1. Search online: You can try searching for the song title on various music streaming platforms like YouTube, Spotify, Apple Music, or SoundCloud. You might be able to find the original mix or a similar version uploaded by the artist or a fan.
  2. Check music blogs or forums: Websites like Reddit's r/music or music blogs might have a thread or post about the song. You can try searching for the song title or the artist's name to see if anyone has shared the song or knows where to find it.
  3. Contact the artist or label: If you're unable to find the song online, you can try reaching out to the artist or their record label to ask if they have a copy of the song or know where to find it.

Remember to always respect the intellectual property rights of the artist and the music industry. If you're unable to find the song, you can always explore other music options or support the artist by purchasing their music or attending their concerts.

I hope this helps, and happy music hunting!