Gulf news oman

Gulf News Oman is a popular English-language newspaper in Oman, published by the Gulf News Group. Here are some key facts about Gulf News Oman:

History: Gulf News Oman was launched in 2000 as a weekly newspaper, and it became a daily publication in 2004.

Circulation: The newspaper has a daily circulation of around 20,000 copies, making it one of the most widely read English-language newspapers in Oman.

Content: Gulf News Oman covers a wide range of topics, including local and international news, business, sports, entertainment, and lifestyle. The newspaper also features opinion pieces, editorials, and analysis from experts in various fields.

Editions: Gulf News Oman has two editions: the Muscat edition, which covers news and events in the capital city, and the Salalah edition, which focuses on news and events in the southern region of Oman.

Online presence: The newspaper has a strong online presence, with a website that features news, analysis, and opinion pieces. The website also has a social media presence on platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Awards: Gulf News Oman has won several awards for its journalism, including the "Best English-language Newspaper" award at the 2019 Oman Journalism Awards.

Features: The newspaper features a range of sections, including:

Subscription: Gulf News Oman is available for subscription, both in print and digital formats. Readers can subscribe to the newspaper online or through various retailers in Oman.

Overall, Gulf News Oman is a respected and widely read newspaper in Oman, providing readers with a comprehensive view of local and international news, as well as in-depth analysis and opinion pieces.