Guiness world record breaker

A Guinness World Record breaker! Here are some fascinating examples:

Longest Fingernails Ever Recorded

Shridhar Chillal from India has the longest fingernails ever recorded, with a total length of 909.6 cm (358.5 in) on all ten fingers. He started growing his nails in 1952 and stopped cutting them in 1979.

Largest Collection of Airsickness Bags

Niek Vermeulen from the Netherlands has the largest collection of airsickness bags, with over 6,142 bags from around the world. He started collecting them in 1997.

Most Hula Hoops Spun at Once

Marawa Ibrahim from Australia spun 200 hula hoops simultaneously for 30 seconds in 2014.

Longest Duration Without Sleep

Randy Gardner from the USA stayed awake for 264.4 hours (11 days) in 1964, setting a record for the longest duration without sleep.

Largest Pizza Ever Made

A team of chefs in Rome, Italy, made the largest pizza ever recorded, measuring 15,888.68 sq ft (1,476.57 sq m) in 2012.

Most Consecutive Somersaults on a Trampoline

Ashrita Furman from the USA performed 3,417 consecutive somersaults on a trampoline in 2014.

Longest Marathon Running Backwards

Alexey Posypanov from Russia ran 26.2 miles (42.2 km) backwards in 4 hours 12 minutes and 12 seconds in 2018.

Largest Gathering of People Dressed as Superheroes

Over 1,100 people dressed as superheroes gathered in New York City in 2018, setting a record for the largest gathering of its kind.

Most T-Shirts Worn at Once

Jyothi Raj from India wore 257 T-shirts at once in 2018, setting a record for the most T-shirts worn simultaneously.

These are just a few examples of the many incredible Guinness World Records out there. Who knows, maybe you'll be the next record breaker!