Guineas president conde postpones controversial referendum

You're referring to the recent development in Guinea!

Yes, it's true. Alpha Condé, the President of Guinea, has indeed postponed the controversial referendum that was scheduled to take place on March 21, 2020. The referendum aimed to amend the country's constitution to allow Condé to run for a third term as president.

The move comes after widespread protests and international pressure against the referendum, which many saw as a power grab by Condé. The opposition parties and civil society groups had called for the referendum to be scrapped, citing concerns over the legitimacy of the process and the potential for violence.

The postponement of the referendum is seen as a significant concession by Condé, who had previously refused to back down from his plans to hold the vote. The exact date of the new referendum has not been announced, but it's likely to be rescheduled for later this year.

It's worth noting that the situation in Guinea remains tense, with many opposition groups and civil society organizations calling for greater democratic reforms and an end to Condé's authoritarian rule. The international community, including the African Union and the European Union, has also expressed concerns over the situation in Guinea and called for a peaceful and democratic resolution to the crisis.