Guest at tvc news today on election postponement

You're referring to the recent development in Nigeria where the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) postponed the general elections from February 16 to March 28.

Here's a summary of the guest's appearance on TVC News:

Guest: Professor Attai Ogbe, a political scientist and expert on electoral matters.

Topic: "The Implications of Election Postponement on Nigeria's Democracy"


Professor Ogbe began by expressing his disappointment at the decision to postpone the elections, citing the potential negative impact on the country's democracy. He emphasized that the postponement was a setback for the democratic process and could undermine public trust in the electoral system.

He highlighted the following points:

  1. Loss of momentum: The postponement could lead to a loss of momentum and enthusiasm among voters, which could negatively impact voter turnout.
  2. Security concerns: The delay could create an opportunity for security threats to escalate, potentially compromising the safety of voters and electoral officials.
  3. Economic implications: The postponement could have significant economic implications, particularly for businesses and individuals who had made plans based on the original election dates.
  4. International implications: The decision could also have international implications, potentially damaging Nigeria's reputation and credibility on the global stage.

Professor Ogbe concluded by emphasizing the need for INEC to provide clear explanations for the postponement and to ensure that the new dates are met. He also called for increased transparency and accountability in the electoral process to restore public trust.

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