Gucci new logo

You're referring to the recent rebranding of Gucci!

In May 2021, Gucci unveiled a new logo as part of a broader rebranding effort. The new logo is a simplified and modernized version of the brand's iconic logo, which has been in use since 1933.

The new logo features a more minimalist design, with a bold, sans-serif font and a reduced color palette. The logo is meant to be more versatile and adaptable, allowing it to be used across various platforms, from fashion and accessories to digital media and marketing materials.

Here's a comparison of the old and new logos:

Old logo (1933-2021):

The classic Gucci logo features a serif font with a distinctive "G" monogram, surrounded by a circle with the brand's name written in a curved line above and below the monogram.

New logo (2021-present):

The new logo features a bold, sans-serif font with a simplified "G" monogram, without the surrounding circle. The brand name "Gucci" is written in a straight line above the monogram, in a clean and modern font.

The rebranding effort is part of Gucci's strategy to appeal to a younger generation of consumers and to position the brand as a leader in the luxury fashion industry. The new logo is meant to be more contemporary, flexible, and adaptable to different contexts and mediums.

What do you think of the new Gucci logo? Do you prefer the classic or modern design?