Guardian news on women in journalismheld on oct 5

You're referring to the "Guardian's Women in Journalism" event held on October 5th. Here's a summary of the key takeaways and discussions from the event:

Keynote Speakers:

  1. Katty Kay: Journalist and author, known for her work on women's empowerment and leadership. She spoke about the importance of women's voices in journalism and the need for more women in leadership positions.
  2. Amol Rajan: Editor-in-Chief of the BBC's flagship news program, Newsnight. He discussed the challenges faced by women in journalism and the need for a more inclusive and diverse industry.

Panels and Discussions:

  1. The State of Women in Journalism: A panel discussion featuring journalists and industry experts, including Laura Kuenssberg (BBC Political Editor), Emily Bell (Director of the Tow Center for Digital Journalism), and Ruth Davidson (Scottish Conservative leader and journalist). They discussed the current state of women in journalism, including the lack of diversity and representation in the industry.
  2. Breaking the Glass Ceiling: A panel featuring Sally Bercow (former Labour MP and journalist), Ruth Sutherland (Editor-in-Chief of Cosmopolitan UK), and Samantha Moyo (Zimbabwean journalist and activist). They shared their personal experiences and strategies for overcoming obstacles and achieving success in a male-dominated industry.
  3. The Future of Journalism: A panel discussion featuring Emily Bell (Director of the Tow Center for Digital Journalism), Ruth Davidson (Scottish Conservative leader and journalist), and Katty Kay (journalist and author). They explored the challenges and opportunities facing the journalism industry, including the impact of technology and social media on the way we consume news.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Diversity and Inclusion: The event highlighted the need for greater diversity and inclusion in the journalism industry, including more women in leadership positions and a more representative range of voices and perspectives.
  2. Challenges Faced by Women in Journalism: The event discussed the various challenges faced by women in journalism, including sexism, harassment, and the pressure to conform to traditional gender stereotypes.
  3. Strategies for Success: The event featured inspiring stories of women who have overcome obstacles and achieved success in the journalism industry, including strategies for building confidence, networking, and finding mentors.
  4. The Future of Journalism: The event explored the challenges and opportunities facing the journalism industry, including the impact of technology and social media on the way we consume news and the need for innovative and sustainable business models.

Overall, the Guardian's Women in Journalism event was a powerful and thought-provoking discussion that highlighted the importance of women's voices in journalism and the need for greater diversity and inclusion in the industry.