Guardian news on women in journalism

Here are some recent articles and news stories from The Guardian on women in journalism:

  1. "Women in journalism: 'We're not just victims, we're not just survivors, we're warriors'" (March 2022) - An article highlighting the challenges faced by women in journalism, including harassment, sexism, and lack of representation.
  2. "The Guardian's women in journalism survey: 'I've been told to smile more, to be more feminine'" (March 2022) - A survey of women journalists at The Guardian reveals widespread experiences of sexism and gender bias in the industry.
  3. "Why women are leaving journalism in droves" (February 2022) - An article exploring the reasons behind the decline in the number of women working in journalism, including lack of opportunities, harassment, and burnout.
  4. "Women in journalism: 'I've been told I'm too aggressive, too loud, too much'" (January 2022) - A series of interviews with women journalists highlighting the challenges they face in a male-dominated industry.
  5. "The Guardian's women in journalism initiative: 'We want to create a more inclusive industry'" (December 2021) - An article announcing The Guardian's new initiative to promote diversity and inclusion in journalism, including a focus on women's representation.
  6. "Women in journalism: 'I've been asked to wear high heels to work'" (November 2021) - A survey of women journalists reveals widespread experiences of sexism and gender bias in the industry, including requests to wear high heels and makeup.
  7. "The gender pay gap in journalism: 'It's a systemic problem'" (October 2021) - An article highlighting the gender pay gap in journalism, with women earning on average 15% less than men.
  8. "Women in journalism: 'I've been told I'm not taken seriously because I'm a woman'" (September 2021) - A series of interviews with women journalists highlighting the challenges they face in a male-dominated industry, including lack of respect and credibility.
  9. "The Guardian's women in journalism mentorship scheme: 'It's a game-changer'" (August 2021) - An article highlighting The Guardian's new mentorship scheme aimed at supporting women in journalism and promoting diversity and inclusion.
  10. "Women in journalism: 'I've been asked to take a pay cut because I'm a woman'" (July 2021) - A survey of women journalists reveals widespread experiences of sexism and gender bias in the industry, including requests to take pay cuts and lack of opportunities for advancement.

These articles and news stories highlight the ongoing challenges faced by women in journalism, including sexism, gender bias, and lack of representation. They also showcase The Guardian's efforts to promote diversity and inclusion in the industry.