Guardian news on asuu strike

Here are some recent news articles from The Guardian on the ASUU strike:

  1. ASUU strike: Nigerian universities face collapse, says union (September 2022)

The Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) has warned that Nigerian universities are on the brink of collapse due to the prolonged strike, which has entered its 10th week.

  1. Nigeria's ASUU strike: 'We're not going back to work until our demands are met' (August 2022)

The ASUU president, Emmanuel Osodeke, has reiterated that the union will not call off the strike until the government meets its demands, including the implementation of the 2009 agreement and the revitalization of the university system.

  1. ASUU strike: Nigerian students protest in Abuja, demand end to strike (August 2022)

Thousands of students in Abuja, the Nigerian capital, have taken to the streets to protest the prolonged ASUU strike, which has disrupted their academic activities for months.

  1. Nigeria's ASUU strike: 'The government is not serious about education' (July 2022)

The ASUU has accused the Nigerian government of not being serious about education, citing the lack of progress in negotiations to end the strike, which has entered its ninth week.

  1. ASUU strike: Nigerian universities face financial crisis, says union (June 2022)

The ASUU has warned that Nigerian universities are facing a financial crisis due to the prolonged strike, which has led to a decline in revenue and a shortage of funds for essential services.

  1. Nigeria's ASUU strike: 'We're not going to compromise on our demands' (May 2022)

The ASUU president, Emmanuel Osodeke, has reiterated that the union will not compromise on its demands, including the implementation of the 2009 agreement and the revitalization of the university system, until the government meets them.

  1. ASUU strike: Nigerian students in limbo as strike enters eighth week (May 2022)

The prolonged ASUU strike has left Nigerian students in limbo, with many unable to access their academic activities and others forced to seek alternative means of education.

  1. Nigeria's ASUU strike: 'The government is playing games with our future' (April 2022)

The ASUU has accused the Nigerian government of playing games with the future of Nigerian students, citing the lack of progress in negotiations to end the strike, which has entered its eighth week.

These are just a few of the many news articles from The Guardian on the ASUU strike.