Guardian news nigerian education

Here are some recent news articles from The Guardian about Nigerian education:

  1. Nigeria's education crisis: 'We're losing a generation' (February 2023)

The article highlights the alarming state of education in Nigeria, where millions of children are out of school and those who are in school often lack access to quality education.

  1. Nigeria's education sector in shambles, says UNICEF (January 2023)

UNICEF has warned that Nigeria's education sector is in a state of crisis, with millions of children missing out on education and many schools lacking basic facilities.

  1. Nigeria's education budget: A drop in the ocean (December 2022)

The article discusses the challenges facing Nigeria's education sector, including inadequate funding, which has led to a shortage of teachers, classrooms, and other essential resources.

  1. Nigeria's education system: A recipe for disaster (November 2022)

The article argues that Nigeria's education system is flawed and in need of a radical overhaul, citing issues such as poor infrastructure, inadequate teacher training, and a lack of accountability.

  1. Nigeria's education crisis: The role of corruption (October 2022)

The article explores the role of corruption in Nigeria's education crisis, highlighting how corruption has led to the mismanagement of education funds and the diversion of resources meant for education.

  1. Nigeria's education sector: A call to action (September 2022)

The article calls for urgent action to address the crisis in Nigeria's education sector, including increased funding, improved infrastructure, and a focus on quality education.

  1. Nigeria's education system: A failure of governance (August 2022)

The article argues that Nigeria's education system is a failure of governance, citing the lack of political will to address the crisis and the failure to hold those responsible accountable.

  1. Nigeria's education crisis: The impact on girls (July 2022)

The article highlights the disproportionate impact of Nigeria's education crisis on girls, who are often forced to drop out of school due to poverty, early marriage, and other forms of gender-based violence.

  1. Nigeria's education sector: A recipe for disaster (June 2022)

The article argues that Nigeria's education sector is a recipe for disaster, citing issues such as poor infrastructure, inadequate teacher training, and a lack of accountability.

  1. Nigeria's education crisis: The role of technology (May 2022)

The article explores the potential role of technology in addressing Nigeria's education crisis, including the use of online learning platforms and digital resources to improve access to education.

I hope these articles provide some insight into the current state of education in Nigeria and the challenges facing the sector.