Guardian international news

Here are the latest international news articles from The Guardian:

Top Stories

  1. US and Iran on brink of war as tensions escalate: The US and Iran are on the brink of war after a series of escalating attacks and threats, with the US deploying thousands of troops to the Middle East and Iran's supreme leader warning of "all-out war".
  2. Hong Kong protests: police fire teargas as thousands defy ban: Hong Kong police have fired teargas at protesters who defied a ban on a major rally, as the city's leader warned that the situation was "reaching a critical point".
  3. NATO summit: Trump and Macron clash over Iran and Turkey: The US and France clashed at a NATO summit in London, with President Trump and President Macron disagreeing over Iran and Turkey, and Trump accusing Macron of being "insulting" and "nasty".
  4. India's Modi wins landslide election victory: Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has won a landslide election victory, with his Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) securing a majority in the country's parliament.
  5. China's Xi Jinping warns of 'new cold war' with US: China's President Xi Jinping has warned of a "new cold war" with the US, as tensions between the two countries continue to escalate over trade, technology and security.

Middle East

  1. Iran's supreme leader warns of 'all-out war' with US: Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has warned of "all-out war" with the US, as the two countries remain locked in a standoff over Iran's nuclear programme.
  2. US deploys thousands of troops to Middle East amid Iran tensions: The US has deployed thousands of troops to the Middle East, amid escalating tensions with Iran, with the Pentagon saying the move is aimed at protecting American interests in the region.
  3. Israel and Palestine: Netanyahu and Abbas hold rare meeting: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas have held a rare meeting, amid efforts to revive stalled peace talks.


  1. Hong Kong protests: police fire teargas as thousands defy ban: Hong Kong police have fired teargas at protesters who defied a ban on a major rally, as the city's leader warned that the situation was "reaching a critical point".
  2. China's Xi Jinping warns of 'new cold war' with US: China's President Xi Jinping has warned of a "new cold war" with the US, as tensions between the two countries continue to escalate over trade, technology and security.
  3. North Korea's Kim Jong-un visits China for talks with Xi Jinping: North Korea's leader, Kim Jong-un, has visited China for talks with President Xi Jinping, amid efforts to revive stalled nuclear talks with the US.


  1. Sudan's military and protesters agree on transitional government: Sudan's military and protesters have agreed on a transitional government, after months of protests against the country's former president, Omar al-Bashir.
  2. Ethiopia's Abiy Ahmed wins Nobel peace prize: Ethiopia's Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has won the Nobel peace prize, for his efforts to resolve the border conflict with Eritrea and promote peace and reconciliation in the region.
  3. South Africa's ANC elects new leader: South Africa's ruling African National Congress (ANC) has elected a new leader, Cyril Ramaphosa, amid efforts to revive the party's fortunes and address the country's economic and social challenges.


  1. NATO summit: Trump and Macron clash over Iran and Turkey: The US and France clashed at a NATO summit in London, with President Trump and President Macron disagreeing over Iran and Turkey, and Trump accusing Macron of being "insulting" and "nasty".
  2. UK and EU agree on Brexit deal: The UK and EU have agreed on a Brexit deal, after months of negotiations, with the UK set to leave the EU on 31 January.
  3. Germany's Merkel warns of 'new era of nationalism': Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel has warned of a "new era of nationalism" in Europe, amid growing tensions between countries over trade, security and migration.

These are just some of the latest international news articles from The Guardian. You can find more news and analysis on the Guardian's website.