Guardian education news

Here are some recent news articles from The Guardian's Education section:

UK Education

  1. A-levels: students face uncertainty as exam results are delayed (August 2022) - The UK's A-level exam results have been delayed due to a technical issue, leaving students and universities in limbo.
  2. Government to scrap GCSEs and A-levels for 14-16-year-olds (July 2022) - The UK government has announced plans to scrap GCSEs and A-levels for 14-16-year-olds, replacing them with a new "T-level" qualification.
  3. Teachers' union calls for strike action over pay and conditions (June 2022) - The National Education Union (NEU) has called for strike action over pay and conditions, citing a lack of investment in education and a growing teacher shortage.

International Education

  1. US universities face backlash over foreign student fees (August 2022) - Some US universities are facing criticism for charging foreign students higher fees than domestic students, despite the fact that international students often pay full tuition.
  2. Australia's universities face funding crisis (July 2022) - Australia's universities are facing a funding crisis, with many institutions struggling to make ends meet due to a decline in government funding and a rise in international student fees.
  3. China's education system under scrutiny over academic pressures (June 2022) - China's education system has come under scrutiny over the high levels of academic pressure faced by students, with some calling for reforms to prioritize student well-being.

Higher Education

  1. University admissions: how to get into your top choice course (August 2022) - The Guardian provides tips and advice for students applying to university, including how to improve your chances of getting into your top choice course.
  2. The rise of online learning: what does it mean for universities? (July 2022) - The Guardian explores the impact of online learning on universities, including the potential benefits and challenges.
  3. Student mental health: universities must do more to support students (June 2022) - The Guardian argues that universities must do more to support student mental health, citing a growing crisis of student wellbeing.

Schools and Primary Education

  1. Primary school funding: how the government's plans will affect schools (August 2022) - The Guardian explains how the UK government's plans to increase funding for primary schools will affect schools and pupils.
  2. The impact of poverty on education: a growing crisis (July 2022) - The Guardian highlights the growing crisis of poverty and its impact on education, including the effects on student attainment and wellbeing.
  3. The benefits of outdoor learning: why schools should get outside (June 2022) - The Guardian argues that outdoor learning can have numerous benefits for students, including improved mental health and wellbeing.

These are just a few examples of the many news articles and features published by The Guardian's Education section.