Guam news

Here are some recent news articles from Guam:

Local News

  1. Guam's COVID-19 cases continue to rise: The Guam Department of Public Health and Social Services reported 24 new cases of COVID-19 on Monday, bringing the total number of cases to 1,444. (Pacific Daily News)
  2. Guam National Wildlife Refuge reopens: The Guam National Wildlife Refuge has reopened to the public after being closed for several months due to the COVID-19 pandemic. (KUAM News)
  3. Guam's tourism industry struggles to recover: Guam's tourism industry is still struggling to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, with many hotels and resorts reporting low occupancy rates. (Guam Daily Post)

National News

  1. US military exercises in Guam to continue: The US military has announced that its exercises in Guam will continue despite concerns from some local residents about the impact on the environment and public health. (Stars and Stripes)
  2. Guam's delegate to Congress seeks funding for island's infrastructure: Guam's delegate to Congress, Michael San Nicolas, is seeking funding to improve the island's infrastructure, including its roads and bridges. (Guam Daily Post)
  3. Guam's governor signs bill to increase minimum wage: Guam's governor, Lou Leon Guerrero, has signed a bill into law that increases the minimum wage on the island to $10.50 per hour. (Pacific Daily News)

International News

  1. Guam and Japan sign agreement to strengthen ties: Guam and Japan have signed an agreement to strengthen their ties in areas such as education, healthcare, and tourism. (Japan Times)
  2. Guam's economy grows despite pandemic: Guam's economy has grown despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, with the island's GDP increasing by 2.5% in 2020. (Guam Daily Post)
  3. Guam and the Philippines sign agreement to promote trade: Guam and the Philippines have signed an agreement to promote trade and investment between the two countries. (Philippine Daily Inquirer)