Guadian news logo

The Guardian's logo is a distinctive design that has undergone several changes over the years. Here are a few iterations:

  1. Early years (1821-1959): The original logo of The Manchester Guardian, the newspaper's predecessor, featured a simple serif font with the words "The Manchester Guardian" in a circular arrangement.
  2. 1959-1975: After the newspaper's name was changed to The Guardian, the logo featured a bold, sans-serif font with the words "The Guardian" in a rectangular shape.
  3. 1975-1995: The logo underwent a significant redesign, featuring a stylized letter "G" made up of tiny newspaper pages, surrounded by a circle.
  4. 1995-2010: The logo was simplified, featuring a bold, sans-serif font with the words "The Guardian" in a rectangular shape, similar to the 1959 design.
  5. 2010-present: The current logo features a stylized letter "G" made up of tiny newspaper pages, similar to the 1975 design, but with a more modern and minimalist approach. The logo is often displayed in a variety of colors, including the traditional red and black, as well as other colors for special editions and online use.

Here is the current logo:

[Image description: A stylized letter "G" made up of tiny newspaper pages, surrounded by a circle. The logo is often displayed in red and black, but can be used in other colors as well.]