Gtbank enthroning the development of the game of kings

I think there may be a bit of confusion here!

GTBank is a commercial bank in Nigeria, not a developer of the game of chess, which is commonly referred to as the "Game of Kings". Chess is an ancient strategy board game that originated in India and has been played for centuries.

The phrase "Game of Kings" is a nickname for chess because of its long history and the fact that it has been played by many monarchs and nobles throughout history. It's a game that requires strategy, skill, and mental discipline, making it a popular choice among intellectuals and leaders.

GTBank, on the other hand, is a financial institution that provides banking services to individuals and businesses in Nigeria. While they may have their own initiatives and programs to support the development of various industries, they are not involved in the development of the game of chess.

If you have any further questions or clarification regarding GTBank or the game of chess, please feel free to ask!