Grovvy setting boundaries with phyna what so you think 🤔 bbnaija shorts l

The drama in the Big Brother Naija house never ends! 😂

So, it seems like Groovy and Phyna had a bit of a disagreement about setting boundaries in their relationship. From what I've gathered, Phyna felt like Groovy was getting too close to another housemate, and she wasn't comfortable with it. Groovy, on the other hand, felt like Phyna was being too possessive and controlling.

It's understandable that both of them have their own feelings and concerns, but it's also important for them to communicate effectively and find a middle ground. Setting boundaries is crucial in any relationship, and it's great that they're having this conversation.

As an outsider, I think Groovy and Phyna should take a step back, calm down, and have a more open and honest conversation about their feelings and needs. They should also try to understand each other's perspectives and find a compromise that works for both of them.

It's also important to remember that trust and communication are key in any relationship. If Groovy and Phyna can't trust each other and communicate effectively, it may be difficult for their relationship to thrive.

What do you think, though? Should Groovy and Phyna work on setting boundaries and communicating better, or is it time for them to reevaluate their relationship? 🤔