Group wants constitution amendment to check budget delays #

It seems like you're referring to a news article or a topic related to governance. Here's a possible summary:

A group of individuals or organizations is advocating for a constitutional amendment to address the issue of budget delays in the country. They believe that the current system is plagued by frequent delays, which can have significant consequences for the economy and the people.

The proposed amendment aims to introduce measures to ensure that budgets are passed on time, and that the government is held accountable for any delays. This could include provisions such as:

  1. Setting a specific timeline for budget approval: The amendment could establish a deadline for the government to pass the budget, and impose penalties for non-compliance.
  2. Increasing transparency: The amendment could require the government to provide regular updates on the budget process, including details on spending and revenue.
  3. Strengthening parliamentary oversight: The amendment could give the parliament more powers to scrutinize the budget and hold the government accountable for any delays.
  4. Introducing consequences for non-compliance: The amendment could impose consequences on the government if it fails to pass the budget on time, such as fines or penalties.

The group believes that this amendment is necessary to address the recurring issue of budget delays, which can have far-reaching consequences for the economy, including:

  1. Delayed infrastructure projects: Budget delays can lead to delays in infrastructure projects, which can have a negative impact on economic growth.
  2. Inflation: Budget delays can lead to inflation, as the government may be forced to print more money to finance its activities.
  3. Reduced investor confidence: Budget delays can erode investor confidence, making it more difficult for the government to attract foreign investment.
  4. Increased borrowing: Budget delays can lead to increased borrowing, which can put a strain on the government's finances.

Overall, the proposed constitutional amendment aims to address the issue of budget delays and ensure that the government is held accountable for its actions.