Group threatens street protest unilag students not accepted medical school

It seems like there's a developing situation at the University of Lagos (UNILAG)!

According to reports, a group of students at UNILAG are planning a street protest to express their dissatisfaction with the university's decision not to accept them into the medical school.

The students, who are reportedly from the Faculty of Science, are said to be upset because they believe they have met the required criteria for admission into the medical program, but were still denied entry.

The group has threatened to take their protest to the streets, demanding that the university reconsider their admission status and provide a clear explanation for the decision.

This development comes at a time when the university is already facing challenges related to infrastructure, funding, and student welfare. The planned protest may put additional pressure on the university administration to address the concerns of the students.

It's essential for the university to engage with the students, listen to their concerns, and provide a clear and transparent explanation for the admission decision. The students' concerns should be addressed in a fair and timely manner to prevent further escalation of the situation.

I'll be keeping an eye on this situation and provide updates as more information becomes available.