Group storm amnesty international office news

Here are some recent news articles and updates from Amnesty International's office in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) regarding the group storm:

News Articles:

  1. "Amnesty International Condemns Storming of Office in Democratic Republic of Congo" (Human Rights Watch, March 2023)
    • Amnesty International's office in Kinshasa, the capital of the DRC, was stormed by a group of unidentified individuals on March 15, 2023. The attackers destroyed equipment and stole documents.
  2. "Amnesty International Office in Congo Attacked, Documents Stolen" (Al Jazeera, March 2023)
    • The attack on Amnesty International's office in Kinshasa is seen as a serious violation of human rights and a threat to the organization's work in the DRC.
  3. "Amnesty International Office in Congo Stormed, Documents Stolen" (The New York Times, March 2023)
    • The storming of Amnesty International's office in Kinshasa is the latest in a series of attacks on human rights organizations in the DRC.

Amnesty International Statements:

  1. "Amnesty International Condemns Storming of Office in Democratic Republic of Congo" (Amnesty International, March 2023)
    • Amnesty International has condemned the storming of its office in Kinshasa and called on the authorities to investigate the attack and bring those responsible to justice.
  2. "Amnesty International Office in Congo Attacked, Documents Stolen" (Amnesty International, March 2023)
    • The organization has expressed concern over the safety of its staff and the impact of the attack on its work in the DRC.

International Reactions:

  1. "UN Condemns Attack on Amnesty International Office in Congo" (UN News, March 2023)
    • The United Nations has condemned the attack on Amnesty International's office in Kinshasa and called on the authorities to ensure the safety of human rights defenders.
  2. "EU Condemns Attack on Amnesty International Office in Congo" (European Union, March 2023)
    • The European Union has also condemned the attack on Amnesty International's office in Kinshasa and called on the authorities to investigate the attack and bring those responsible to justice.

Amnesty International's Response:

  1. "Amnesty International to Continue Work in Congo Despite Office Attack" (Amnesty International, March 2023)
    • Despite the attack on its office, Amnesty International has announced that it will continue its work in the DRC, including monitoring human rights abuses and advocating for the protection of human rights defenders.
  2. "Amnesty International to Rebuild Office in Congo" (Amnesty International, March 2023)
    • The organization has announced plans to rebuild its office in Kinshasa and continue its work in the DRC.