Group slams buhari for appointing brother in law md npmc the eagle online

It seems like there's a controversy brewing!

According to the article you shared, a group is criticizing President Muhammadu Buhari for appointing his brother-in-law, Ishaq Modibbo Kawu, as the Managing Director of the Nigerian Press Council (NPC).

The group, which appears to be a coalition of civil society organizations, is accusing the President of nepotism and abuse of power. They claim that Kawu's appointment is a clear example of Buhari's preference for family members and cronies over qualified and competent individuals.

The group is also questioning the qualifications and experience of Kawu, who was previously the Director-General of the National Broadcasting Commission (NBC). They argue that his appointment is a reward for his loyalty to the President rather than a recognition of his professional abilities.

This controversy highlights the ongoing debate about the role of family and personal relationships in government appointments. While some argue that it's natural for politicians to surround themselves with people they trust, others believe that it undermines the integrity and transparency of the government.

What do you think about this controversy? Should government appointments be based on merit or personal relationships?