Group scheme funeral cover south africa insider

A very specific and important topic!

Group Scheme Funeral Cover in South Africa is a type of insurance policy that provides financial assistance to the beneficiaries of a deceased member in the event of their passing. Here's an insider's guide to help you understand the concept better:

What is a Group Scheme Funeral Cover?

A Group Scheme Funeral Cover is a type of group life insurance policy that is typically offered by employers or organizations to their employees or members. The policy provides a lump sum payment to the beneficiaries of a deceased member in the event of their passing, to help cover funeral expenses and other related costs.

How does it work?

Here's a step-by-step explanation:

  1. Employer or Organization: An employer or organization decides to offer a Group Scheme Funeral Cover to their employees or members.
  2. Membership: Employees or members of the organization become members of the group scheme by paying a premium (usually deducted from their salary or membership fees).
  3. Coverage: The group scheme provides coverage to all members, usually up to a certain age (e.g., 65 years old).
  4. Death Benefit: In the event of a member's passing, the group scheme pays a lump sum benefit to the beneficiary (usually a spouse, child, or dependant).
  5. Funeral Expenses: The beneficiary can use the death benefit to cover funeral expenses, such as burial or cremation costs, as well as other related expenses.

Benefits of Group Scheme Funeral Cover

  1. Financial Protection: The group scheme provides financial protection to the beneficiaries of a deceased member, helping to alleviate the financial burden of funeral expenses.
  2. Convenience: The policy is usually easy to understand and administer, with minimal paperwork required.
  3. Cost-Effective: Group scheme funeral cover is often more cost-effective than individual funeral insurance policies.
  4. Peace of Mind: Knowing that you have financial protection in the event of your passing can provide peace of mind for you and your loved ones.

Things to Consider

  1. Coverage Limits: Check the coverage limits and ensure they are sufficient to cover your funeral expenses.
  2. Exclusions: Review the policy exclusions to understand what is not covered.
  3. Premiums: Check the premium rates and ensure they are affordable for you.
  4. Beneficiary Designation: Ensure you have designated a beneficiary and that the beneficiary information is up-to-date.

Popular Group Scheme Funeral Cover Providers in South Africa

  1. Sanlam: Sanlam offers a range of group scheme funeral cover options, including the Sanlam Group Funeral Policy.
  2. Discovery: Discovery offers a group scheme funeral cover option as part of their employee benefits package.
  3. Liberty: Liberty offers a group scheme funeral cover option, including the Liberty Group Funeral Policy.
  4. FNB: FNB offers a group scheme funeral cover option as part of their employee benefits package.


Group Scheme Funeral Cover is an important benefit that can provide financial protection to your loved ones in the event of your passing. By understanding how it works and the benefits it offers, you can make an informed decision about whether it's right for you. Always review the policy terms and conditions, and ensure you have designated a beneficiary to receive the death benefit.