Groovy beauty end relationship over chomzys invasion video

It sounds like you're going through a tough time after watching Chomzy's invasion video and feeling the need to end a relationship. I'm here to listen and offer some support.

Firstly, it's completely normal to feel overwhelmed and upset after watching something that challenges your values or beliefs. It's okay to take time to process your emotions and figure out how you feel.

Regarding the relationship, it's understandable that you might be questioning whether it's healthy for you to continue. Have you talked to your partner about how you're feeling? Sometimes, having an open and honest conversation can help clear the air and bring you closer together.

If you're not ready to talk to your partner yet, that's okay too. You might want to take some time to reflect on what you want from the relationship and what you're willing to compromise on. Remember that you deserve to be with someone who respects and supports you, and it's okay to prioritize your own needs.

Remember that you're not alone in this feeling. Many people have gone through similar experiences and have come out stronger on the other side. You got this!

What do you think you might need to move forward? Is there anything specific that's been bothering you about the relationship, or is it more about the emotional impact of the video?