Greenland news 2019

Here are some notable news stories from Greenland in 2019:

  1. Climate Change: Greenland experienced one of its hottest years on record in 2019, with temperatures rising by 2.5°C above the average temperature from 1981 to 2010. The warming trend is attributed to climate change, which is causing the country's ice sheet to melt at an alarming rate.
  2. Ice Sheet Collapse: In July 2019, a massive chunk of Greenland's ice sheet collapsed, causing a 100-meter-high (330 feet) wall of ice to break off into the ocean. The event was captured on camera by NASA's Operation IceBridge, a research project that uses airborne instruments to study the Earth's polar regions.
  3. Tourism Boom: Greenland saw a significant increase in tourism in 2019, with over 80,000 visitors arriving in the country. The tourism industry is growing rapidly, with many visitors drawn to the country's stunning natural beauty, including its glaciers, fjords, and Northern Lights.
  4. Economic Growth: Greenland's economy grew by 3.5% in 2019, driven by increased revenues from fishing and tourism. The country is also investing in renewable energy, including wind and hydro power, to reduce its reliance on fossil fuels.
  5. Independence Talks: In 2019, Greenland's government held talks with Denmark about the country's future independence. Greenland has been a Danish territory since 1953, but has been pushing for greater autonomy and potentially even independence.
  6. Mining Controversy: A proposed copper and gold mine in southern Greenland sparked controversy in 2019, with some residents expressing concerns about the potential environmental impact of the project. The mine, which is expected to create hundreds of jobs, is still awaiting approval from the Greenlandic government.
  7. Arctic Council: Greenland hosted the Arctic Council's ministerial meeting in May 2019, which brought together representatives from eight Arctic countries to discuss issues such as climate change, sustainable development, and environmental protection.
  8. Nanook Icebreaker: In August 2019, Greenland's new icebreaker, the Nanook, was launched in Denmark. The ship is designed to support scientific research and navigation in the country's icy waters.
  9. Whale Watching: Greenland's whale watching industry experienced a boom in 2019, with many tourists flocking to the country's coastal waters to see humpback, minke, and other whale species.
  10. Northern Lights: Greenland is known for its spectacular displays of the Northern Lights, and 2019 was no exception. The country's unique location near the Arctic Circle makes it an ideal spot for viewing this natural phenomenon.

These are just a few of the many news stories from Greenland in 2019. The country continues to face challenges related to climate change, but it is also experiencing growth and development in areas such as tourism and renewable energy.